Monday, January 16, 2017

My Cancer Journey

This is my life now.
Which is why my posts have been sooooo spread out lately.

Today I have stage 2A
Otherwise known as lung cancer.

You can read the beginnings of my health issues here
and here.

And here is where I am today...
doctor appointment after doctor appointment after doctor appointment.  I now have my GP who is watching my diabetes, which is mostly under control.  In fact, my latest A1C says that I am NOT diabetic anymore.  Yippee!!!
I also have a cardiologist, a pulmonary doctor, a surgeon specialist, an oncologist....and her whole team, and this week I get to meet a new surgeon who is going to give my a port-a-cath, which is a small device implanted under the skin where they can hook me up for my chemotherapy treatments.  In fact, I have a doctors appointment every day this week.
So much for a regular life right now.

But it's not all doom and gloom.

After my surgery they only found a few cancer cells in 2 out of 7 lymph nodes (which is what bumped me up to stage 2A) so it is very early and the doctors are very optimistic that the chemo will be successful, and I will only need 4 treatments over the next 12 weeks.  

A "perk" of this situation is my brother and sister made the trip from New York to visit me this past weekend.  It was wonderful.

When you live 5 states away from each other, visits are few and far between, and while we talk on the phone and share on Facebook, there is nothing like a real physical visit.

We played games, (I found out that my brother STILL cheats, hahahaha)
talked, and laughed till it hurt.
I laughed so hard, I kept running out of breath.
I loved it,
but I am exhausted. 

Here's another positive, when (IF) I lose my hair, I can go shopping for more vintage hats


I told hubby I'm getting a HOT PINK WIG!
What do you think?
I don't know who this girl is, but she is beautiful and that hair is

Hubby is not so thrilled, so I'll get a normal boring wig too. hahahaha

My 15 year old daughter just told me I was too old for pink hair.

I say you're never too old for pink hair.

So what do you think?
Pink hair, yay or nay?

Be blessed,

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