Tuesday, May 3, 2016

YBC Book Review - "After The Boxes Are Unpacked" by Susan Miller

Have you ever moved?  Or have you ever felt alone and outside the circle?
I just finished Susan Miller's book, "After The Boxes Are Unpacked"
I requested this book because we are working at selling our house and then move back home to NY. (No, not New York City....there is a whole state that is much nicer than that city. lol)
I thought that this book would have more actual packing and moving tips, but it didn't.
It was about letting go of your past lives (and homes and communities) and learning how to fit in with the people in your new communities.  And how to learn to lean on God in the process.

Back in the early 80's, my ex-husband moved us from New York to Texas...and I was miserable.
I was a new Christian, just discovered I was pregnant with our 3rd child, and in an unhappy marriage.
I could have used this book.  It probably would not have saved my marriage, but it might have helped me to enjoy the communities where we lived.

This book is full of encouragement, and scriptures, and comment sense suggestions on how to remember your "old" life without too many tears, and how to start your "new" life in new surroundings and make new friends.  Even though I am moving back to my hometown, I will still be able to use the suggestions in this book, and we look for a new church, a home in a new area of town, and to help my kids find new friends.

After her last move across the country, Susan was led to start a support group in her church for newcomers.  Out of that came this book, and Susan has also started the Just Moved ministry, a non-profit organization to help everyone, weather you need a group, or would like to start one.

I give this book 2 thumbs up.

Be blessed,

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book, but this review is 100% my own opinion.

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