Do you believe in luck?
Chance? Happenstance? Putting out good energy and getting back good in return (as opposed to bad energy and bad returns)? Karma?
I don't.
I believe that very existence is by design.
For a purpose, a reason.
I believe in God.
In His ever present love and intimate interaction in our lives.
I also believe in the devil.
In his ever present hate for God's creations and his strong desire to destroy us.
Yesterday evening, these 2 pulls on my life came together in what I call,
A God Moment.
This morning, instead of sharing this with you, my family could have been arranging my funeral.

But I stopped. Stopped to thank God once again for watching over me. You see, if I had not slowed down and pulled right, I would have been in the middle of that curve, and that speeding car would have hit me head on. I know that I know that an angel pinched my leg.
I'm trying not to cry as I write this, because while I know that God loves me, moments like this remind me....
There are many moments like this in my life.
Not luck.
Not karma.
God moments.
I bet there are many in your life too, if you just keep your eyes open to recognize them when they come.
Share with me your God moments in a comment.
I would love to hear it.
Be blessed,
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