Friday, July 15, 2016

YBC Book Review - Sister Dear by Laura McNeill

I recently finished reading my first e-book, "Sister Dear" by Laura McNeill, and I really enjoyed it.
I have been pushing against the tide of Kindles and e-books and computerized reading, but I really wanted to review this book and it was only available in the e-format.  So I gave it whirl.

First my review of the book.
Incarcerated for a crime she didn't commit, the story line starts with Allie Marshall's release from prison, and moves along at a smooth even pace on how she manages to get her life back.  Allie was a young single mother with a very bright future, but then a scandal came to her small town, and she was not afraid to confront it.  But that ended up with a murder, her arrest, a trial, and 10 years of her life gone.  Now she's back home, trying to reconnect with her teenage daughter and clear her name.  There is not much left for me to tell you without giving out the ending, but it is an interesting story with lots of twists and clues to help you along.
Laura McNeill gives you lots of clues during the story, so the truth at the end is not really much of a surprise, but she does a good job keeping it interesting and juggling all the different plot lines for the different characters.  I found the book easy to put down when real life needed my attention, and it was easy enough to pick up the story and get involved again, even after a few days.
 I give the story a 4 thumbs ups.
Here is some information about the author, Laura McNeill.
Laura was a tv news anchor for CBS News affiliates in NY and Alabama, and is right now completing a PhD in Instructional Leadership at the University of Alabama.  She is also a mother, and enjoys running, yoga, and being a beach bum.  She has a second book coming out titled "Center of Gravity" and in the preview it looks very good.

Now for my feelings of e-books.  While my tablet was set to adjust the lighting on the pages to make it easier on the eyes, and I did find it easy to carry the tablet around instead of a book,  I still prefer "real" books.  There is just something about the feel of real paper in your hands, finding a good bookmark, and not having to worry about losing my $200 tablet since I like to read during my work travel time.  :-)

Until next time,
Be blessed,

*I received a copy of this book from BookLookBloggers for my impartial review.*


Miss Val's Creations said...

This sounds like a fun read! I love stories with characters needing to rebuild their life. Inspiring. I love my e-reader but thought I would really miss books. I was pleasantly surprised with how portable and easy to hold it is!

Unknown said...

I just ordered another e-book, but it won't load. I never would have had that problem with paper. lol

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