Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Life - Always Changing - New Traditions

How was your Easter? Did you celebrate? At home with family, or was it just another day to you?
I am a big fan of family traditions...but I also like making new traditions.
We have always had large family dinners on holidays, but this year, my husband was having some health issues, we're updating (I'm painting every room) our home so we can sell it and move home, and allergy season has kicked in big time this year.  So I asked hubby "would you mind if we just went out to eat this year?"  What a great new tradition!!!!  I should have done it years ago.
Amanda and her crew came over so Owen could get his basket from Poppa and Gramma, Chuck's brother and wife surprised us with a visit, and it was so nice to be able to just make coffee and then join the conversations instead of being chained in the kitchen.  We should have done this years ago.

One this I did miss, and have missed since we've moved south, was our annual shopping trip to 
The Broadway Market in downtown Buffalo, NY.
No good respecting Polish cook would get their Easter sausage and butter lambs anywhere else.
That I miss, and family.
So how was your weekend?  Any new traditions started at your house?

Be blessed,

1 comment:

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Now with both kids grown, Easter isn't much of a big deal for us. We used to stay up late the night before, dying eggs and then hiding them all around downstairs. I always loved the kids' egg hunts. Such fun. Going out to eat sounds just about right!

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